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Becoming a MuleSoft architect can either be achieved through the platform or the integration architect path. In the first case, candidates are tested for their ability to create company-level decisions by looking at the big picture in building an effective application network. This path is designed for higher-level solutions or enterprise architects.
The MCPA-Level-1 exam consists of multiple-choice questions and scenarios that test the candidate's ability to apply their knowledge and experience to solve real-world integration challenges. MCPA-Level-1 Exam covers a wide range of topics, including MuleSoft Anypoint Platform fundamentals, API design and management, data transformation, message routing and processing, security, and deployment.
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An application updates an inventory running only one process at any given time to keep the inventory consistent. This process takes 200 milliseconds (.2 seconds) to execute; therefore, the scalability threshold of the application is five requests per second.
What is the impact on the application if horizontal scaling is applied, thereby increasing the number of Mule workers?
Answer: B
Given that the application is designed to handle only one process at a time to maintain data consistency, here' s why horizontal scaling won't increase the processing limit:
* Single-Process Constraint:
* The application limits to processing one transaction at a time due to its design for consistency, meaning horizontal scaling (adding more workers) does not increase processing speed beyond this limit.
* Execution Time:
* Since each request takes 200 ms, five requests per second is the maximum processing threshold.
Increasing the number of workers does not bypass this single-process limitation.
* Explanation of Correct Answer (A):
* The scalability remains at five requests per second, as this constraint is intrinsic to the application' s design.
* Explanation of Incorrect Options:
* Option B suggests a change in execution time, which horizontal scaling does not affect.
* Option C assumes doubling the throughput, which isn't possible due to the single-threaded nature of the application.
* Option D suggests horizontal scaling cannot apply, which is incorrect; however, scaling does not increase throughput in this context.
ReferencesFor more on understanding scaling and concurrency in Mule applications, see MuleSoft's documentation on application performance and scaling limitations.
What should be ensured before sharing an API through a public Anypoint Exchange portal?
Answer: A
What is most likely NOT a characteristic of an integration test for a REST API implementation?
Answer: C
When could the API data model of a System API reasonably mimic the data model exposed by the corresponding backend system, with minimal improvements over the backend system's data model?
Answer: C
An API has been updated in Anypoint exchange by its API producer from version 3.1.1 to 3.2.0 following accepted semantic versioning practices and the changes have been communicated via the APIs public portal. The API endpoint does NOT change in the new version. How should the developer of an API client respond to this change?
Answer: C
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